Thursday, January 13, 2011

Minute of Project Managers meeting on 1/13/2010

Hello Guys,

In the meeting today we discussed the changes in the model building tasks of some groups.
Symbosis and Urbanistiq will be doing the base intead of visionary elements.  Visionary elements will now do what Symbosis and Urbanistiq was in charge of.  The site model base will be brought in next week.  However, the model building day is set up for the 27th of January.   (This date can be changed)

The budget for the model is as follows:

Base = 120 DLLS
Basswood = 180 DLLS
Overhead =  105 DLLS

Overhead is money left over in case more wood is needed, to buy glue, cork for the contours, etc.

The basswood to be used will be of a thickness of 1/32" and a dimension of 4"x24" which will be ordered online at the latest on Monday.

Thanks to all!!!


  1. I understood that the model building day was next week which it is the 20th, but OK.

  2. We had to consult with the professors and they have plans in mind for that class period. The model building day had to be moved to a date that works in their schedule too. The new tentative date is 27th. We will be confirming as soon as we have been granted permission
