Please check Derived's blog. (Updated sketch-up model should be found there)
In the meeting yesterday the status with the model was discussed regarding TOTAL COMPLETION and placement for the time when individual groups will start building their models.
- On Thursday, all PM's will audit the model and decide which components have to be re-crafted. (During the meeting we decided to cut the polystyrene. However, Josh Jimenez volunteered to start cutting it.) This task should be done by Thursday at the end of class.
- By next Tuesday, Versa will have completed to a 100% the highway.
Next Tuesday's meeting will be regarding organization for final presentation. Please be punctual at 12:00PM
I would also like to remind ALL senior studio students to let know their PM's anything that might be important for each in order to discuss this in meetings. From NOW, anyone who comes in the meeting not being a PM or a member of Derived will be asked to leave. If someone wants to be present, they must ask their PM for permission to be present in the meeting at least 2 days before the PM meeting. The PM must ask then to the rest of the PM'S for permission. For one voting no, then the permission will be denied.